Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Witnessed a Miracle Today

One of my more vocal students today asked me for an EXTRA class. That's right, he wanted more learning, more lecture, more information. Rather than the excitement most students express when we tell them they get one class off, he was disappointed. He asked, do you think our professor will still hold class the day before Thanksgiving if I asked him to? It took me a moment to realize that he was actually serious. I replied, sure, well, you can always ask. Truthfully, I forgot about this conversation after I dismissed my discussion group.

A few hours later my professor came into my office and said, Jessica, do you know this student, as he thrusted a printed out email toward me. I slowly admitted that yes, in fact, he was one of my students. He had sent our professor an email telling him that our class was the highlight of his week. And he did not want to miss a single minute of it. Unbelievable! Our student was asking for more school!!

My professor looked at me and said, this never happens. I agreed. Then we both decided we would be there, the day before Thanksgiving, to hold our class for any student who wanted to attend.

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